Sunday, March 25, 2012

Muraqba for Solutions of Problems

By 8:27 PM
1St Months Program: This Muraqba exercise is to be performed once before going to bed and 2-3 hours after having dinner, so have the meals 4 hour before you normally go to bed and once early in the morning before rise of the sun • Sit in a comfortable posture keeping your head, neck and back align and straight. In keeping yourself straight do not tense yourself. Let your body and mind relax. • Inhale very slowly through your nostrils till your lungs are completely filled with air, without holding your breath start exhaling slowly through your mouth. This makes it one cycle of slow breathing. Thus breathe eleven times and relax for a minute or so. • Close your eyes and imagine that you have a flower pot. You are filling that pot with soil after mixing some manure in it and sow some rose-seeds in it. See you watering that pot and waiting. See the tiny sapling sprouting in the pot and growing gradually. The sapling turning into a rose-plant with branches, leaves and thorns. Then, see the rose-buds emerging at the top of branches and blossoming into roses. When you have reached this stage, try to feel the aroma of rose flowers and enjoy it as long as you can. • Let this Muraqba go on at least 25-30 minutes. Do not try to stop or resist the on rush of thoughts coming into your mind during this exercise. Let them come and pass away. Do not try to impose thoughts of your own liking or reject the disliking thoughts. • Write down your feelings and other thoughts in a diary and go to sleep. Continue this exercise for one month.


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